Thursday, April 1, 2010

Love, Stargirl

“May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies.”

Love, Stargirl
By: Jerry Spinelli
Copyright 2007
Alfred A. Knopf
Realistic Fiction
Middle School Age
274 Pages

This is the sequel to Jerry Spinelli's best selling book Stargirl.  In this book it is written in letter form as Satrgirl writes the worlds longest letter to her love, Leo.  She tells him about everything she has been doing and all the people she meets.  This story also gives insight to Stargirls mind, she seems more real now, those little things that no one ever noticed before (since the last book was from Leo's point of view). This is after the other book and Stargirl and her family has moved.  Stargirl still loves Leo and has to try to live her life and get back to being Stargirl and not worry so much about Leo.  At one point after a five year old taught her that she wasnt herself any more she made the dicision that she had to let go of Leo.  She want nothing more then to be with him that since he was not in his present she could not see into her future (because she wanted him there) and she could not get out of life what she wanted.  She then had decied to let go of Leo, not really but in the way that she could move on.  If someday their destenys would cross they would be together again, but she needed to live.  So throught the story she learns some life lessons from her best friend the five year old Dootsie.  She also meets a bunch of other people including a boy, named Parry.  She, after getting know this boy started to wonder if she liked him or if he liked her.  The problem with him was the fact that he wouldnt just settle for one girl, in fact he hada bunch of girls who wanted them.  These girls called themelfs the honeybees and even went to the length of getting little bee tatoos for their little group.  There is a lot about Perry that Stargirl doesnt learn until the end.  Sadly, at least as far as we know, she does not end up with him.  She will forever love Leo, he may be all the way somewhere else but he is in her heart.  There are many charitors that she meets and one of which is the Betty Lou who does go outside she is afraid to and Charlie who is an elderly man who sits in the cemitary all day with his wife who has passes away.  These are two people that Stargirl changed.  She prepares for the winter solstice throughout the book and at the end of the book instead of sitting in the grave yard he goes to the "party" and so does Betty Lou, Dootsie dragged her out of her house.  Both of these people and most  of the town showed up for this sunrise.  Archie even came for it, and he brought a note from Leo to give to Stargirl.  It simply said "YES" but it was the answer to the question the she would send to him every morning durring her weekly trip to the hill to plant the marker to mark the solstice.  She asked him if they would ever meet again, and he had recived the message.  The book doesnt end with them together but it does end with her gaining hope for it and deciding that she will send this letter that she had been working on for a full year. 

I would recomend this book to anyone.  It gives a little more hope to those who did not like the ending to the first book, but they had to of read Stargirl to read this, but I have and will tell everyone to read that one, and so I will as well tell them to read this one.

This book, nothing was wrong with it. 

I loved this book.  It gave me a different look at Stargirl and when I thought that her and I really had nothing in common I found out there is more than meets the eye to a person.  She might be one of those rare star people but she is human and well and feels and has those days when her happy wagon is empty.  I am going to have to buy this book. 

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