Thursday, April 1, 2010

Life in the Rain Forests

"Did you know that almost half of the worlds rain forests have been cut down in the last 50 years and the clearance continues.  In 1989 rain forests were disappering at a rate of 60 acres every minute."

Life in the Rain Forests
By: Lucy Baker
Copyright 1990
Worl Book/Two-Can
Non Fiction
4th or 5th grade
32 Pages

A nicely done book that teaches about rain forests and the animals that live in them.  It uses pictures to explain some things.  Most rain forests are 120 ft above the ground and get 32 ft of rain fall a year.  There are three main layers: the canopy (top), understory (middle), and forest floor (the ground).  Most rain forests are located between the tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn.  The largest rainforest ins in south america that streaches along the Amazon.  There is lots of vegitation in the rainforests and the perfect food for what the animals that live in them.  The different layers have differet food and different animals that live in them.  The rain forests is not a place for fun and games though, it is home to many dangerious and deadly animals.  Some of the animals are adapted to the point that they can hid from dangers (exspashly good for those who are pretty low on the food chain.).  Even though dangerious the rain forest is not only home to animals but people do live there too.  These natives of the rain forest(s) know how to take from the forest without casing damage to it and know the forest(s) well.  The sadest part of the book is talking about how humans are destoying the rain forests.  We have been cutting them down for years taking away the home to many plants and animals and leaving them to slowly die.  A lot of rain forest animals are on the endagered list.  Not only are we killing off plants and animals but we get many things from things in the rain forest like medicines, those things that wich the plants and animals give us. 

I would recomend this book to have in a classroom.  It is helpful for students when learning about different animals and different parts of the world.  It can also help them be aware for what is going on in the world.

I dont think that there is anything wrong with this book.

I enjoyed this book.  I have always loved the rain forest and well, I learned something new reading this book.

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