Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh the Places You'll Go!

"You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can stear yourself any direction you choose.  You're on your own.  and you know what you know.  And YOU are the [one] who'll decide where to go."

Oh the Places You'll Go!
By: Dr. Seuss
Copy right 1990 by Dr. Seuss Enterpries, L.P.
Published in the Untied States by Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Picture Book, Rhyme
44 pages
Dr. Seuss books are for people of any age

Congratulations! Today is your day.  This story takes you on the trip through life.  You're off to to Great Places! You're off and away!  You are taught that you are the only person who can choose were to go, what you will be doing in life.  As you go through life you will be watching with care and sometimes you will choose to go somewhere and sometimes you wont.  With your head full of brains and you shoes full of feet you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.  We will travel many places, out in the world.  Your life will start to come together, you will start to make who you are and we are reminded not to worry,  And when things start to happen...You'll start to happening too.  Life will take us to many great hights, we will succeed and grow and join in with many people with the same asperations.  Just keep going, to stop, doing slow down, life is so great we will just jump in and go with it.  Sometimes we will be on top, the best of the best and sometimes we wont. sadly, it's true that Bang-ups and Hang-up can happy to you.  Not all the time will life the the little perfect thing we hope and dream it to be.  Life wont always be happy and bright, but sometimes dark and scary.  And when you're in a slump, you not in for much fun.  Un-slumping yourslef is not easily done.  But it is life.  We will come to point in life were we dont know what is going on, and we have no idea where we are or why.  We have no clue what to do.  It will be easy to lose faith and hope in yourself.  It's not simpleI'm afraid you will find, for a mind-maker-upper to make up [their] mind.  Sometimes there isnt much going on in life, and as you keep working there wont be to much moving around the waiting place.  We wont be alone though.  It is life, everyone gets to that point, but we have to pushing though and remember, NO! That's not for you!  Bright places, happy times is where we will move our lives too.  Get back up out of the dark and the dirt.  Nothing is ever to hard as long as we believe, so after those hard times, we will make it though and we will stand tall.  We can do anything with our lives, we can be anything we want to be.  But to always remeber that things wont always work out the way that we want them too.  Sometimes we will be alone and have to push though that too.  Wheater you like it of not, Alone will be something you'll be doing quite a lot.  There will be times we will be scared so bad, and we wont want to keep pressing on.  We will pass though many things that make us want to give up.  We will always have bad/hard times, there is always going to dark with light, and we wont just have one hard time, we will have many, we just always have to remember how to get back to the light.  If we always remember who we are and that we can do anything, that we don't get lost, and if we do we always find out way back will [we] succeed? Yes! [We] willm indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)
Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way.

I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.  This book is a book that I read when I am feeling down, a book that reminds me of how life is, and it is a good book for anyone who may start to doubt themselfs or people looking for hope.

There are not any issues I can find in this book.

This is my favorite book.  I love it.  I read it and qoute it all the time.  I will raise my kids on this book.  The vaules it teachs, and the sybolism of life and the wonderful pictures, makes this book the top of the tops.  Dr. Seuss is also my hero.  His books I think are the best books for children to read, and for adults to read too, becuase as you get older you can read inbetween the lines of what was writen.  For kids it is just a book and they may or may not get the whole message of the story, but as adults we can read it and be reminded that we can do anything.

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