These stories are not clasic happily ever after stories, sadly enough I kinda enjoy them. I do not see how they are supposed to be children stories though. As a little girl I would not of watned to read about this, I want the prince to marry the princess and ride off into the sunset without all the little twists inside the story. I would proble recommend these books to kids who are a little older, and boys, these are fairy tales that I think boys could enjoy, if they arent fans of normal Disney fairy tales. So if you like the little twists that the Grimm Tales have in them you will love these stories, if you are more for the happily ever after stories, you wont enjoy these as much.
I could not find the books so I read online and could not find the information. BUT here is the link to the web page that I found a list of all the Brothers Grimm stories.
"in his despair he leapt down from the tower. He escaped with his life,but the thorns into which he fell pierced his eyes."

The story starts out with a man and wife who want so bad a child, a beautiful daughter. The wife longs for some rampion that she can see in the garden surrounded by a huge wall behind their house. This wasnt any guarden though, this guarden belonged to an evil, powerful enchantress. The woman longed for this rampion so much that she started getting sick and pale. He husband would do anything for her and went to her to ask he what she wanted, and she told him, and so, for his wife, he would climb down the wall and get his wife some rampion. Well his wife was not satisfied after the little bit she got, she wanted more and more. He returned and got caught by the enchantress. She made him promise to give her their first born child, and he agreed with everything she said. So when they had their first born child, their daughter, the enchantress came to the and took her away and hid her up in a tower and called her Rapunzel. So this tower had not stairs and no door, and when the enchantress wanted up she would call to Rapunzel "Reapunzel, Rapunzel let down your long hair" She had beautiful long hair that she would let down the enchantress would climb up the hair to the window. One day a Prince heard some singing and saw Rapunzel in the tower, but saw no way into the tower. He one day hid and found saw how the enchantress got up into the tower and he called the same way that she did "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your long hair" and she did, and he climbed up. The price and Rapunzel fell in love. They made plans for her to escape, he would bring her cloth every night that she might weave a ladder out of it and when she is done they can escape together. Well Repunzel made the mistake of telling the enchantress that the prince could just climb right up her hair and it took her forever to climb up. This did not make the enchantress happy that she was sneaking behind her back and took Rapunzels hair and cut it and took her to the desert and left her there. When the prince came and called, the enchantress let down the hair she cut and the pricne climbed up. To his suprise it was not his love at the end of the hair. The enchantress told him he would never see her again and he jumped out the window to save his life, but fell upon thorn that stabed his eyes and he was blinde. He wondered for years and one day heard a voice that sounded familluare to him and he followed it. It lead him to Rapunzel and she cried and her tears healed his eyes and he could see again. They road off to his kingdom where they lived for a long time,
"happy and contented."
Three other Grimm Tales that I read:
Little Red-Cap
The Fisherman and His Wife
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