Sunday, April 4, 2010

All is Said and Done?

Something tells me that even though I am done with this school assigment I just might continue to add to this book list as I continue to read books, and maybe since I am not having to rush through everything I will actully be able to more fully enjoy all the books that are out there, and that I can make an even greater list for my family and for my class.

So stay posted for another post in the future.  More books and more memories. 

<3  Erin Christina

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Love, Stargirl

“May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies.”

Love, Stargirl
By: Jerry Spinelli
Copyright 2007
Alfred A. Knopf
Realistic Fiction
Middle School Age
274 Pages

This is the sequel to Jerry Spinelli's best selling book Stargirl.  In this book it is written in letter form as Satrgirl writes the worlds longest letter to her love, Leo.  She tells him about everything she has been doing and all the people she meets.  This story also gives insight to Stargirls mind, she seems more real now, those little things that no one ever noticed before (since the last book was from Leo's point of view). This is after the other book and Stargirl and her family has moved.  Stargirl still loves Leo and has to try to live her life and get back to being Stargirl and not worry so much about Leo.  At one point after a five year old taught her that she wasnt herself any more she made the dicision that she had to let go of Leo.  She want nothing more then to be with him that since he was not in his present she could not see into her future (because she wanted him there) and she could not get out of life what she wanted.  She then had decied to let go of Leo, not really but in the way that she could move on.  If someday their destenys would cross they would be together again, but she needed to live.  So throught the story she learns some life lessons from her best friend the five year old Dootsie.  She also meets a bunch of other people including a boy, named Parry.  She, after getting know this boy started to wonder if she liked him or if he liked her.  The problem with him was the fact that he wouldnt just settle for one girl, in fact he hada bunch of girls who wanted them.  These girls called themelfs the honeybees and even went to the length of getting little bee tatoos for their little group.  There is a lot about Perry that Stargirl doesnt learn until the end.  Sadly, at least as far as we know, she does not end up with him.  She will forever love Leo, he may be all the way somewhere else but he is in her heart.  There are many charitors that she meets and one of which is the Betty Lou who does go outside she is afraid to and Charlie who is an elderly man who sits in the cemitary all day with his wife who has passes away.  These are two people that Stargirl changed.  She prepares for the winter solstice throughout the book and at the end of the book instead of sitting in the grave yard he goes to the "party" and so does Betty Lou, Dootsie dragged her out of her house.  Both of these people and most  of the town showed up for this sunrise.  Archie even came for it, and he brought a note from Leo to give to Stargirl.  It simply said "YES" but it was the answer to the question the she would send to him every morning durring her weekly trip to the hill to plant the marker to mark the solstice.  She asked him if they would ever meet again, and he had recived the message.  The book doesnt end with them together but it does end with her gaining hope for it and deciding that she will send this letter that she had been working on for a full year. 

I would recomend this book to anyone.  It gives a little more hope to those who did not like the ending to the first book, but they had to of read Stargirl to read this, but I have and will tell everyone to read that one, and so I will as well tell them to read this one.

This book, nothing was wrong with it. 

I loved this book.  It gave me a different look at Stargirl and when I thought that her and I really had nothing in common I found out there is more than meets the eye to a person.  She might be one of those rare star people but she is human and well and feels and has those days when her happy wagon is empty.  I am going to have to buy this book. 

The Lorax

"Unless someone like you cares a whole aful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not."

The Lorax
By: Dr. Seuss
Copyright 1971
Random House
Picture Book
Any Age
72 Pages

The story starts off in the present of a boy serching for answers.  There are no trees and no animals either, he goes to the onceler to get ansers.  The onceler tells the story to him.  A long time ago the land use to be beautiful.  Full of Truffala trees and animals.  One day the Onceler came in and cut down one tree and made a thneed out of it.  The thneeds were a hit and soon more trees were cut down.  The onceler made a factory and it grew.  Not only were trees getting cut downbut the factory causing smog and the the smog was killing the other plants.  The animals were having a hard time getting along.  The Lorax would often show up ate the Onceler's to speek to him.  He spoke for the trees.  The onceler didnt listion to him.  His company kept growing and polution filled the air.  The animals all left.  They came down the the last tree and then everyone packed up and left, except the Onceler, he stayed.  The Lorax went to him and told him what he had done, and he then lifted himself away and left nothing but a stone with the "unless" writen upon it.  The Onceler was left alone, to think on what her had done.  The land never grew back, everything stayed dead and the animals never returned.  The Onceler told the story to the boy and then gave him something.  He gave him the last seed to the last truffla tree.  He told him to plant it, far away, and maybe just maybe, the animals would return, just maybe the Lorax would return.

I would recomend this book to anyone.  It would be a fun book to use on earth day to teach that if we dont take care of the earth then that is what will happen to our world.

I dont think that there is anything wrong with this book.

I love this book.  I really love anything writen by Dr. Seuss, he is my favorite author and I love the messages in his book. 

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree
By: Shel Silverstein
Copyright 1964
Harper & Row
Picture Book
All Ages
47 Pages

This story is about a tree who loved a boy and a boy who loved a tree.  The boy used to spend all his time with the tree but he started to grow and his interests changed.  The boy was soon interested in making  money, and so the tree gave him all her apples so he could sell them and make money.  She was happy.  After a long time the boy came back but he was still not interested in the tree, he didnt want money anymore he wanted to build a house so the tree gave him all her branches so he could build a house with them.  She was happy.  After a long time the boy came back, even older then the last two times.  The tree told him that she didnt have anything else to give, but this time he was interested in building a boat so he could sail far away.  So she told him to cut her down and make a boat out of her.  She was happy ... not.  After a long time he came back.  She tpld him she was nothing but a stump and could not give him anything.  All he wanted was a place to sit and rest, so she straighted up and he sat down.  She was happy.

I would recomend this book to anyone.  It can mean so much and many different things to many different people.  It is a good book.

I dont think that there was anything wrong with this book.  Unless someone takes the message as it is ok to take advantige of giving people because they will give you anything to make you happy.

I love this book.  This book has helped me through many hard times and made me see life and situations in different ways.  I LOVE this book.


"Kitten's sharp claws can get it into trouble."

By: Kate Petty
Copyright 1990
Gloucester Press
Non Fiction - Informational
4th Grade
24 pages

A mother cat is pregnant for about nine weeks and you can even sometimes see the kittens moving around inside her.  Once kittens are born their eyes are close but they can still find their way to their mother to feed, eatting and sleeping is what newborn kitten spend most of their time doing.  After about a week the eyes will open but they still really cant see well.  The eye color of kittens start off gray-blue but will change around five weeks old to green or gold, it is not often that they stay blue.  After three to four weels kittens can start to walk by themselfs.  One of the things that cats spend most of their time doing is washing themselfs.  They start off by getting licked by their mother but over time they will start to copy what she does to clean themselfs.  Once they reach eight weeks they are eating soild food and drinking from a bowl.  Kittens love to play and they learn to hunt as well.  Not only are kitten playful but they are very mischivious as well.  They love to learn how things work and were things go, but when they get older that dies down and the cat will start to calm down.  When a kitten reaches seven to eight weeks they can now leave the mother and move to a new home.  Cats can live for 15 to 20 years.

I would recomend this book to any cat lover or anyone who has a cat that will be having kittens soon.  It is full of infor that will be helpful to them.

I dont think that anything is wrong with this book.

I LOVED this book.  Cats are my favorite animal and I remember reading almost every cat book in my elementary libery.  No matter how many books I read there is always something new to learn still.

What Do You Do With A Tail Like This?

"Horned lizards squrit blood out of their eyes"

What Do You Do With A Tail Like This?
By: Steve Jenkins & Robin Page
Copyright 2003
Houghton Mufflin Company
Non Fiction
Young Elementary
26 Pages

Animals have different parts that help them do different things.  Different animals have different noses that help them with their envornment and do what they do.  Hyenas find their food with their nose while alligators while theirs to breath while hidding in water.  Different animals have different ears that help them with their envornment and do what they do.  Crickets ears are found in their knees and bats use their ears to see.  Different animals have different ears that help them with their envornment and do what they do.  Lizards use their tails to get away, its is easy they just snap off, but dont worry it grows back.  Different animals have different eyes that help them with their envornment and do what they do.  Chameleons can look two ways at once while fish have four eyes so they can see out of water and in water.  Different animals have different feet that help them with their envornment and do what they do.  Geckos have stikey feet so they can clige to things and clime anywhere and chimpanzees eat with theirs.  Different animals have different mouths that help them with their envornment and do what they do.  Pelicans uses theirs to scoop up fish while Anteaters capture termites with their long tongues.  There is so much fun infor in this book and it is really cute to learn how all animals are different.

I would recomend this book to have in the classroom.  This is a good book for a classroom to have when learning about different animals.  All animals are differetn and use different parts of their body differently.

There was a few things in this book that I thought was just kinda yuck but it is a informational book and it was really interesting to learn those things.

I learned some pretty interesting stuff from this book.  Some of the stuff I kind of didnt want to know but I enjoyed it. 

From Seed to Daisy

"Plants will be happier is they have more space."

From Seed to Daisy
By: Laura Purdie Salas
Copyright 2008
Picture Window Books
Non Fiction
3rd grade
24 Pages

A cute little book telling about the life cycle of the Daisy and also with nifty little facts in every section.  Like most plants the flower starts with a seed that comes from the parent plant, daisys are no exception for this.  If the seed grows it depends on a few things.  Not all wild daisy seeds will grow, but if in a guarden the person can make sure that the seed gets the right about of light, water, soild, and warmth.  When all the conditions are right the seed will start to grow.  Root grow out of it first and soon it will start to grow a stem and evern leaves and as it grows the plan and roots get bigger and stronger.  With all those things needed for the plant to grow it will keep grown and soon sprout buds and then blum into the beautiful daisy.  After they bloom insects will come by and pollonate the flower, which is needed so that the seeds in the flower will be able to grow other flowers once this one dies.  When the flower withers and dies it drops the sees, and the life cycle of the daisy starts over again.

I would recomend this book for a class when they are learning about plants and flowers and when they start learning how things grow.

I dont think that there is anything wrong with this book.

I learned from this book.  It is really neat how you may think you know all there is to know about something, but there is always something new to be learned. 

Life in the Rain Forests

"Did you know that almost half of the worlds rain forests have been cut down in the last 50 years and the clearance continues.  In 1989 rain forests were disappering at a rate of 60 acres every minute."

Life in the Rain Forests
By: Lucy Baker
Copyright 1990
Worl Book/Two-Can
Non Fiction
4th or 5th grade
32 Pages

A nicely done book that teaches about rain forests and the animals that live in them.  It uses pictures to explain some things.  Most rain forests are 120 ft above the ground and get 32 ft of rain fall a year.  There are three main layers: the canopy (top), understory (middle), and forest floor (the ground).  Most rain forests are located between the tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn.  The largest rainforest ins in south america that streaches along the Amazon.  There is lots of vegitation in the rainforests and the perfect food for what the animals that live in them.  The different layers have differet food and different animals that live in them.  The rain forests is not a place for fun and games though, it is home to many dangerious and deadly animals.  Some of the animals are adapted to the point that they can hid from dangers (exspashly good for those who are pretty low on the food chain.).  Even though dangerious the rain forest is not only home to animals but people do live there too.  These natives of the rain forest(s) know how to take from the forest without casing damage to it and know the forest(s) well.  The sadest part of the book is talking about how humans are destoying the rain forests.  We have been cutting them down for years taking away the home to many plants and animals and leaving them to slowly die.  A lot of rain forest animals are on the endagered list.  Not only are we killing off plants and animals but we get many things from things in the rain forest like medicines, those things that wich the plants and animals give us. 

I would recomend this book to have in a classroom.  It is helpful for students when learning about different animals and different parts of the world.  It can also help them be aware for what is going on in the world.

I dont think that there is anything wrong with this book.

I enjoyed this book.  I have always loved the rain forest and well, I learned something new reading this book.